Church Resources: Money and Wealth
money and wealth related Sermon ideas
Are you thinking about doing some sermons related to money and wealth? Jesus, Paul, and Peter preached about money and wealth, so why shouldn’t you? This can be a great way to intensify the Building Faith and Finances course.
ideas for the offering
Do you need ideas for what to do during the offering part of your church service? Also included are some things you should consider avoiding.
after the building faith and finances course: what now?
After doing the Building Faith and Finances course, keep your church or group growing by implementing these ideas.
The 7 Stages of Faith and Finances infographic summarizes our practical and spiritual journey in the area of finances. Right click on the image to save a copy (save as or duplicate).
7 Stages of Faith and Finances Infographic
Video Links
This sample budget and debt tracker (Excel format) is available for download.
Sample Budget and Debt Tracker
This is a guide for married couples to help them work together on their finances. Couples can use this on their own, in counseling, or in a discipleship group.
marriage counseling on finances
This is a pre-marriage guide to help couples learn about their future financial situation (no big surprises!) and set them on a good path forward. Couples can use this on their own or in conjunction with pre-marriage counseling.